Monday, February 4, 2013

The Furies

The Furies also known as Erinyes, which literally means the avengers, are three Greco-Roman mythical goddesses. They pursued and punished doers of unavenged crimes. Alecto punished those who committed moral crimes as anger, especially when used against others. She was the goddess of Anger. Megaera was the goddess of jealousy. She punished those who commited crimes as cheating and adultery. Tisiphone was the third sister and the goddess of vengeance. She punished those who have committed the crimes of murder. From these beings we have the words "furious" and "infuriated". According to The Book of Threes, "as their influence spread, the Erinnyes became the personification of the concepts of vindictiveness and retribution, and represented the psychological torments associated with a guilty conscience. Eventually their influence extended to the hearing of complaints of insolence by the young toward the old, punishing disrespect of parents by their children, as well as lack of hospitality to guests by their hosts, a terrific breach of ancient etiquette." They were relentless in their pursuit and their subjects received no mercy.
Pic credit Torriano

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