I was giggling and chewing a chocolaty sweet and chatting away, the way I talk when I'm happy and bubbly... and then suddenly it was quiet. I couldn't hear the cars driving past. I couldn't hear the ocean waves crashing on the beach. I couldn't hear my friends' laughter. I couldn't hear anything because you were looking at me... and you were coming closer... and I could feel your breath on my face and I could smell your skin and I could see the exact colour of your eyes and then… you kissed me. I felt the pitter-patter flutter of the butterfly wings against the inside of my tummy. I felt my legs turn into jelly. I felt the warmth of your lips and my eyes closed. It was only you and me and nothing else existed. I was drifting away… I was floating in the sky… I was melting… And when you stopped, I opened my eyes and they were teary and blurry. The sea breeze blew softly against my face and you looked at me and smiled... and I smiled back and that was exactly when our story began... Spring 2002.
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