I check my cellphone lying beside me on its pillow throne. It's 5:42. Great! I usually get up at 05:55 to switch on the radio - 5fm, my favourite radio breakfast show. Then I switch on my en-suite bathroom light, so it can flush my bedroom - not the bedroom light as it will be too bright. I still want to cuddle myself for 20 minutes or so and drift between sleep and awake. And then I open the door for Sookie so she can go outside and do her business. And then I open the window, so she can come back inside when she's done. This sounds like it takes about a few minutes but in reality it takes only a minute and then I jump back into bed, grateful for its warmth. I swim in it, indulge in it and then when my body heat is back to sleep level, just when my mind starts to leave the shore, just when my limbs start to relax again, just when my breathing become deep again, my alarm goes off. I try to ignore it but the irritating sound drills through my sleepy skull. I frantically search for the phone with my one hand. It fell off the bed. Now I actually have to move my whole body to pick it up and stop the alarm. Finally peace and quiet again.
I roll back onto my back. Sigh, yawn, and stretch. Today is going to be long day and its cold. What to wear? Before I get out of bed, I pray a quick prayer - Please give me strength to get through this day, Lord. I jump out of bed, get my gown on - it's old, dirty pink and I lost the belt but it's the most comfortable thing ever. First stop is usually the loo. Then I wash my hands and go to the kitchen. Check Sookie's bowls. Get my breakfast and lunch ready for work. Go back to the bedroom, get my cell and remote control out from under the pillows, put it on the counter where my lunch is waiting in the kitchen. This way, I have to take my phone when I take my lunch.
Make the bed. Pick out an outfit. Shower. By this time Sookie is back. She likes to sit in the bathroom, while I shower; I think it's the warmth of the steam. Brush my teeth. Moisturise, roll-on, put on clothes. Brush my hair. This is usually a mission. My hair never wants to do what I want it to do - NEVER! Then I apply a bit of eye-liner - without it my face always looks drab - sometimes I even add mascara and eye-shadow. Then I get my jacket. Spray some deodorant/perfume all around. I switch off the lights. Check that I take my phone, my lunch and take out my bus ticket, so I don't have to dig around in my bag, while I'm waiting on the bus. I switch off the radio, check that the window is open for Sookie and open curtains. Switch off kitchen light, lock my door and I'm off to the bus stop. It usually takes me 30 minutes to get ready every morning. I love my routine. While at the bus stop I usually chat with a friend I made who also takes the same bus. We share stories about stuff that happened the previous day. And when the bus comes - we don't even have to stop it because the bus driver knows us already - I take a deep breath! My morning starts here!