So quick to judge, so quick to make assumptions. And I have discovered that labels are shackles. You buy into it and believe it and before long you're a prisoner living in a counterfeit world. Recently I myself made that mistake. My brother took a leap - a leap of faith and I was totally against it. I put him in a box and I didn't want him to leave his box but his passion was so strong that I didn't have any other choice but to stand back and let him fly. Maybe he'll crash, maybe he'll soar but whatever the case, I'll still be here - I'll still love him and I'll forever respect him for opening my eyes.
I think we should accept that we are all different and its okay. How boring would life be if we all lived the same in our similar houses and if we had the same ideas, read the same books, listened to the same music, eat the same food. I won't be boxed. No I REFUSE to be boxed and defined. How do you think Apartheid came to exist, sexism, homophobia. Stop labelling, stop boxing!
Changing the world, starts with you. It's not impossible. NOTHING is impossible.