It's all about how you look at a situation, which determines how you deal with it or react to it. For example, I could get really frustrated about lying here and not being able to fall asleep again. But I can also see it as an opportunity to think things through which are bothering me or writing this note, making other people realise that perception is everything.
Someone told me yesterday I should just think positively about things and good things will come my way and I realised when this year started that had been my goal - to think positive and I was doing great until something bad happened to me. I focused on that bad thing and wasted energy on it. That one bad thing dragged me down and I started obsessing about it and my negative reaction to it. I wanted to explore it and get to the root of it. And because of that I forgot about the positive stuff in my life. The one negative thing dominated my thoughts, my actions and how I felt about myself. I forgot that all I had to do was believe... Believe in who I am, what I am and what I can do. You're going to feel bad about stuff if you look at it in a negative way - if you feel that it reflects negatively on you. Try to look at the bright side, like I'm trying to do now.
Things are never as bad as you think they are. In your reality, you can change the way you feel and the way you see things. Sometimes when I'm having a nightmare and it gets really bad and I get really scared, I tell myself that this can't be real, this is a dream and then I take control and change everything. The same with our realities we live in, we need to take control - I need to take control, starting today. It's hard but it is not good to obsess about bad things happening to you. Bad things will always happen to you, its how you handle those negative things that makes the difference. If you linger on the bad things and think about them all the time, it will consume you. Move on and try to put a positive spin on it. Linger on the good things. Shift your focus to the positive things in your life. I think it's human nature to embrace the bad and to lean towards the negative and I think it takes great discipline and commitment to work on yourself and focus on the good. Just keep reminding each other that good will always conquer bad and that its not worth it to dwell on the bad.