I guess we're all haunted by ghosts. I thought time would ease my pain and give me a powerful weapon - wisdom - but that doesn't mean that life gets easier or that it gets better or that ghosts disappear. They remain... I guess to remind you of the past and of the mistakes you've made.
2010 is here and for many, this is a year of opportunity and a year of celebration but for me it’s a year of uncertainty. I seriously don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm happy or sad, coming or going, leaving or staying. I have NO plan. No back-up. I feel naked and vulnerable.
It's only the beginning of the year and already my ghosts have returned to torment me and to unsettle me. I feel my back against the wall and I am doubting myself, looking back at the decisions I have made in 2009 - questioning if I made the right ones.
2010 will be a year of soul-searching, of contemplating and of re-building. But come hell or high water - I intend to get through it and to learn from it and to safely get to the other side – ghosts or no ghosts.